17/10/2012 · Vus sur le site de EA au bout cdu bout si la supression du fichier options.ini ne change rien: DE COMMAND & CONQUER GENERALS AND COMMAND & CONQUER ZERO HOUR PRINT POSTÉ LE 10/17/2012 Nos équipes ont connaissance d'un souci rencontré avec l'erreur Direct X 8.1 sur Command & Conquer Generals et Command & Conquer Zero Hour.
Zur Not geht es aber wohl auch mit dem Windows-eigenen Editor. Der benötigte Pfad für die Datei options.ini ist: ..\Documents\Command and Conquer Generals How To Play Generals / Zero Hour In Windows 7 … 20/01/2011 · well there after trying to run the game you would see a Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data folder. open it. right click and create a new empty .TXT file and rename it options.ini (make sure you see the extension .txt and you don't end up having a stupid file named options.ini.txt!) if you dont know how to see the files extension in windows 7, Google it or get an Xbox to play ; now [TUTO] Installer Generals et Heure H sur Windows 10 ... 16/06/2019 · Command & Conquer ; Generals ; CnC : Generals (2003) [TUTO] Installer Generals et Heure H sur Windows 10 (édition 2018) Sign in to follow this . Followers 11 [TUTO] Installer Generals et Heure H sur Windows 10 (édition 2018) Started by odd, July 26, 2018. actus; 84 posts in this topic. Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . odd 22 odd 22 Capitaine; Staff; 22 2342 posts; Location HB; Posted July
C&C generals zero hour win 7 64 bit - poradna Živě.cz How To Play Generals / Zero Hour In Windows 7 … 25/11/2012 · hi everyone i need some help. i bought generals and zero hour for like $5 on amazon and had them installed on my old computer and they ran perfectly. i just installed them on my new computer and like everyone else i have problems. my computer has windows 7, 8g of ram, i5 processor, and two graphics cards for switchable graphics it has an intel hd graphics card that it supposed to switch to for CnC Generals Zero Hour Win7 x64 Fix - C&C … ---=[ CnC Generals Zero Hour - Windows 7 x64 Fix ]=---by dArkSlayer - modsreloaded.com-----NOTE: Might not work with some versions of this game. -----Installation: 1. Copy included "Options.ini" file to "Command and Conquer Zero Hour Data" folder in your Documents folder. Overwrite previous file if asked to. 2. Right click on game shortcut on desktop and set compatibility mode as marked on
16 Sep 2013 Tested On: Windows 10 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64. Availability: Command and Conquer Generals should install on a modern PC without any insubordination. Open this folder and locate a file called Options.ini. Go to Documents > Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data, create a text file and Open the Options.ini file with Windows Notepad. 30 Oca 2013 COMMAND CONQUER GENERALS Windows 8 64 bit Açılmama sorunu Dosya adını da options.ini yapıyoruz. Son olarak Win 7 64 Bitte Xp Sp3 uyumluluk modunda sorunsuz oynuyorum Win 8 hakkında bir şey Zur Not geht es aber wohl auch mit dem Windows-eigenen Editor. Der benötigte Pfad für die Datei options.ini ist: ..\Documents\Command and Conquer Generals How To Play Generals / Zero Hour In Windows 7 … 20/01/2011 · well there after trying to run the game you would see a Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data folder. open it. right click and create a new empty .TXT file and rename it options.ini (make sure you see the extension .txt and you don't end up having a stupid file named options.ini.txt!) if you dont know how to see the files extension in windows 7, Google it or get an Xbox to play ; now
Command and Conquer Generäle / Generals bzw. Generals Zero Hour (auf Deutsch: die Stunde Null) kann einen bei der Installation unter Windows XP bzw. Windows 7 schon zur Verzweiflung bringen. Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour Windows … 26/04/2014 · Confirmed working on Windows 7, 8 and 10. Link + other fixes in this description. Read it before asking questions please :) This is how you can run Command & Conquer Generals and Zero Hour on Running Command & Conquer Generals on … 28/07/2010 · I have a core i5 laptop running windows 7 home premium 64-bit with an ATI graphics card and I had exactly the same problems getting C&C Generals and Zero Hour to work. Good News - Have just successfully managed to get it working, and it IS Windows 7 that causes the problem, specifically it's to do with access permissions to folders - Windows 7 blocks access to folders that Generals uses to run Command and Conquerer generals crash - Windows …
25/11/2012 · hi everyone i need some help. i bought generals and zero hour for like $5 on amazon and had them installed on my old computer and they ran perfectly. i just installed them on my new computer and like everyone else i have problems. my computer has windows 7, 8g of ram, i5 processor, and two graphics cards for switchable graphics it has an intel hd graphics card that it supposed to switch to for
14 Aug 2009 Then save the file as 'options.ini' eXCELLENT! it worked perfectly! thanks , on a Windows 7 Ultra 64bit It worked, debunking the myth that C&C Generals will not run on 64 bit systems (as some people have been saying).